Sunday, June 29, 2003

ReDSkY (4:40 AM) :
haha knight in shining amour? lol
Wyxmm (4:40 AM) :
no lah. dey in smelly clothes

Friday, June 27, 2003

Star trek happened while I was taking a dump. I had a Kilngon

Monday, June 23, 2003

Oh, and now the renovations are starting soon, later in the daya nd my mom is like, "you go stay at your friend's place for 2 or 3 days". Like I have anywhere to go. I stay over a freiend's place one night and she screams bloody murder, and now there's no space at home, she just goes, stay at your friend's place. All a sudden it's ok to sleep over at someone else's place. And like it's okay with my friends if I crash at their place for 3 days. Why not just let me move out and save a bundle in renovations. It'll also give me the drive to go find a job. But's not I'm back to just slacking around and not even sending out resumes or looking for jobs. Drive-less. Slack lifestyle is so I-can-get-used-to-this. I've got nothing left to loose or should I say freedom. Actually, it's constrainted freedom. But I get to do what I want, and use the car and go out late at night. I can leave dishes in the sink and eventually someone (not me) will wash them up. Clothes just miracoulously disappear and appear in my cupboard clean. I'm so eViL. Hey...wait aminute. This is suppose to be grouse material. Nah..who cares.
So I went to view this apartment yesterday. Real nice and cheap and fully furbished and all. The one thing that caught my eye was the counter in the kitchen. I like. But it's in Pasir Ris. (it's ok I can deal with it) and I'm broke. And I dunno who else is willing to share a place with me all the way in Pasir Ris. It's really nice. Seriously. I have pictures. The past tenants were 4 stweardess. Damn! Why couldn't one of them stay behind. It's like 2 months rent and 1/2 month commission for the property dude and at least a year's lease.

THEN! I went to view this other place. Wasn't that fancy. But the thing that pissed me off was the owner, once she saw me and property dude, she kept asking if we are Singaporeans. What the fuck? Even while I, we, I...was leaving, she was saying, "Singaporean ah? SIngaporean ah?" so I gave her the, "yeeeesshhh, we're all Singaporeans." Then she asked, "why you all wanna move out?" and I gave her the straight, "'cos we're all really sick of staying with our parents and wanna get out." That shut her up abit. And I really left with the property dude. Later as I was waiting for the bus, property dude got a call from Singaporean-ah?-lady and told him that they are willing to bring the price down to $1.1k. Well Jeezz...thanks...I guess I...STILL won't be taking the place (if I'm taking any in the first place). The other place is more accesible, cleaner, more spacious, doesn't have things sticking out everywhere cept pure furnitures and cheaper. Suck this you big gaping vagina. Rubble rubble rubble mieh! Whatever. I do what I want *snap fingers*

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Oh smart. I just saw a guy dived into the the shallow end. So there's this thing going on at the Beez-throw. Wait till I get it out and I'll post it here. It's scandalous. Something to do with Mr. Karl something.

Thursday, June 19, 2003


Wednesday, June 18, 2003

TRM is on pause till this freaking recurring fever due to infection and lump in my balls is over. ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
In a feeble, pathetic and lame attemp to increase my vitamin C and zinc intake, I ate/drank, in the pass 2 days

a) Bowl of cereal
b) One orange
c) Orange Juice with Soda water (taste like Orangina)
d) 1 1/2 plate of hokkien mee
e) 1 4/5 cans of carrot juice
f) a More lights fag
g) El Jay's Chicken and More combo add fish
h) Durians (some)
j) a drop-the-pill-into-water-and-watch-it-fizzle Vit. C tablet
k) a lot of crap from mad woman and..errr..equally mad woman.

Whoo hoo!!! I'm rocking baby yea!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

When oh when oh when oh when will the wounds heal!!!! It's pissing me off!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2003

what's wrong with the weather?! Cold one minute, hot in another. Oh, wait. I've got fever. I want candy.......

Saturday, June 14, 2003

argh! sudden depression attack! that was last night. now my leg stings

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Sigh. Kids nowadays. During my time, Macdonalds was a delicacy. IF we could afford it. Walking through town on a weekday made you the coolest guy on the school and weekends....hmm...I dun even remember my weekends except tution. Maybe that's why I turned out like that. 10 cents in your pockets to make phone calls. 20 cents in your pocket to take aircon bus with bus stamps. 30 cents can buy you mee goreng which you can't even finish in primary school. 50 cents will buy you ice kachiang in secondary school with countell atap seed. Waiting at the control station for 30 - 45 mins for a friend was normal. We dun whip out our mobile phones and start punching your friend's numbers furiously when you're at the meeting place and your friend is not. Pagers are for rich kids. Alpha numeric pagers. Phonecards. Call Zone phone. Kids nowadays have it made. BIG time. sigh. Nost man. Nost.
The rain is coming in.
I'm to lazy to get up and close the windows
So i closed the door instead.
Different action. Same results.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to...oh give it up. It's over and it was yesterday.

So anyway I was at home, finally, eating fish and surfing through the channels and guess what I came across on Star World Sports? Dressage! Or is it Show jumping? Oh one of those horse jumping over fence things. It was the Samsung Super League, and it got me all...well....I was hoping to wasn't...nope, it's over. I'm occupied with other things now. Like my bloated stomach now from the fish...but...It's over! But...nope...but...shu....but..shhh...but..yaa...but...jii...but...but..but schmutt.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Scam! Scammy scammy scam. If you hear rallying at at interview, walk out immediately.

Monday, June 09, 2003

Wow! If it wasn't for Mad Banshee I wouldn't have know. That boring at work eh?
Snaps in page 2 and 3

Friday, June 06, 2003

I think the word I should be using is "Repressed". Thanks Wailing Woman

Thursday, June 05, 2003

For those who didn't come and watch Life is Elsewhere perform. Thank you. Thank you so much for not coming. We sucked. We blew. We're like a whore using a vacumm cleaner. We were that bad. Don't come on Friday the 13th either. It's gonna be equally as bad.

Monday, June 02, 2003

I need to keep myself occupied. I need to keep myself occupied. I need to keep myself occupied. If I don't my mind starts to wander. A wandering mind in this condition is no good. I need to keep myself occupied. I need to keep myself occupied.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Life is Elsewhere will be performing at Singapore Street Festival on the 5th n 13th of June, 820pm n 745pm at Cathay Cineleisure and Faber Hourse Park respectively. Come down and lend your unsupport.