Thursday, November 27, 2003

Opps. Quantum Spring's gig is on the 7th of Dec, Sunday around 7 pm, not 6th, Sat. Oh well. Come down and talk to me after the gig cos I won't know wat to do after that.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Borders Bistro is crazy. Borders Bistro is a mad house. Borders Bistro is all about having fun and laughing your way from the door to the table. Seriously. Most of my fun time is spent there. Actually most of my time is spent there. Come down on a day when the main key people are there and start a conversation with them. I guarentee you, madness. All we do is laugh and talk kok and just much around. Of course we do our work and not slack on the service, but you don't see us standing around stoning. i think we do. But when we don't, We're just, did I mention? laughing. I don't know why I'm saying this but I also don't know what's gonna happen when Sean goes back. But we'll survive. Once you start, you just can't stop. Just don't act all high and mighty and piss people off. Just be nice and nice. Remember. Never piss off F&B people. They might spit in your Portobello Mushrooms.

So it turns out I've got my hands full next week till next year. December is filled with work and gigs, and of course pratice (not going so good so far). I'm working my ass off and I'm still broke. I tried to get as many shifts as I can this month since I can't afford to go anywhere and rather than stay at home I might as well work...but I counted roughly how much I'll be getting this month and it's still crap. I'm just waiting. Once I get my own transport, I'm gonna freelance abit more and up my rates. $50 a day is not getting me anywhere. I mean, I work hard. I don't slack. I learn, if people are willing to teach. And I mean really teach. I act professionally. Well....I mean....what I'm trying to say is.....I don't just "ah...ok what?!" I don't argue back, much. Really. I listen. Or try to. I get the job done. Though I'm always late. Must be the lack of sleep cos I'M WORKING!!??!! Anyway. I'm a freelance audio engineer for hire who'll do just about anything I can or will try to and I don't rip people off if they don't rip me off. Which leads to.....

I was screwing something the other day at work. Unfortunately not screwing someone, with a screwdriver. Actually I was using a screwdriver to not screw something when it (the screwdriver) slipped and I got cut on my left index finger. At the point where the fingertips meet the strings of the

(a) guitar,
(b) bass or
(c) a and b but not at the same time.

Now I'm playing with just 3 fingers. Damn!

Yammer abit....I'm currently playing in 4 bands.

Chapter 24: Classic rock.
Eugene's Moment of truth: Whatever comes around.
Soundcard: Alt-Emo-core rock thingy.
Quantum Spring: Some Christian band. Yes. Christian band.

Gigs lined up so far.

6th Dec. 730pm. Outside Orchard MRT. Some Charity Event. Quantum Spring.
20th Dec. 2pm. Large grass patch opp. Hereen. De-Trash. Chapter 24.
21th Dec. 330pm. Large grass patch opp. Hereen. De-Trash. Eugene's Moment of Truth.
21th Dec. 7pm. Large grass patch opp. Hereen. De-Trash. Quantum Spring.

Damn Soundcard didn't get any gigs. Better get new strings or I'm gonna die on stage and in the studio. The strings on my bass are of such a heavy guage that the tention is so hard. I think I gotta drop to Medium or Medium Light guage. 100 - .45 should be ok. But I like the tone of heavier strings. Oh well. Compromise have to be done.

I think I should wash myself.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Change of dates

Chapter 24, Eugene's Moment of Truth, International Slumber Party , Metalgunz and Mistaken Identity will be performing at De-Trash on the 20th and 21st of Dec. Check them out.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Chapter 24, Eugene's Moment of Truth, International Slumber Party , Metalgunz and Mistaken Identity will be performing at De-Trash on the 19th, 20th and 21st of Dec. Check them out.

Monday, November 17, 2003

17th November. 21 more days till pay day. I can hardly wait.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Eugene's Moment of Truth will be performing an acoustic set with Mistaken Identity this Sunday, the 16th of November at 8pm at Retro Cafe. Come down, relax and sheesha.
Ah...a break after a not so long week. And I'm sick with the sniffles and the cough-os and the broke mans. Ouch. Ya. Even though I just got my paycheck, I have now...errr...I think $30.67 in my bank.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

I have a grand total of (drum roll please).......$0.67 cents in my bank. Thanks to the $0.02 interest. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Pay day doesn't come for another week. But even then....Perfect time to go on a fasting/diet/Slim 10 4 7 days/Extrime/Weight Lost Program/WOW! I lost 35 pounds in 7 days thanks to being broke program.