Monday, April 19, 2004

After my ippt today, or rather, after the gruelsome 2.4km, I sent the following msg to some of my friends...

"Fuck...Fuck Fuck Fuck"

This is what I got (in no particular order)

Pauline:"Why...Wat's wrong?"
Vicki:"wat happened? tomorrow we change to 8 le"
Darrell:"Eh y? Fail which station?"
Ying Redsky:"What what what"
Steph slacker:"Why?"

So fun. But nothing's wrong. (sings. Nothing's wrong...) Just that 2.4km was a killer. Time to start jogging or something.

And the results are....

Sit up : 40 - 5 pts
Broad Jump : 239cm - 5 pts
Chin Up : 12 - 5 pts
Shuttle Run : 9s - 5 pts (I think the PTI was impressed too. HE was like..."9 flat....." and then speachless. yea, yea! *lol!*)
2.4 km Run : A sucky 11:46min - 3 pts

Silver award. $200 *ka-ching-king*

Gotta work on my cardio next time and go for $400. SHOW ME THE MONEY!

And anyway I took a cab home cos my head was all pounding and the moment I starined myself slightly, even picking up my bag would make me feel like throwing up and I practically wetted the back seat of the cab (from my dripping body, not piss) and half way I told the driver:
"Can you just stop me here by the side instead of at my place?"
"Here are? Then you walk is it?"
"Yup, but I think i need a drink real badly first"

And then the Bid-ster called to bitch. So nice timing"

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Waited whole day for the call to work. Call didn't even come. What a waste of today.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Well stick a captial "L" on my forehead and call me loser. Today, sucked crap. Bistro's making noise cos I can't work this week and forcing me to work a weekend though my other work is usually weekends (like this weekend, Friday morning all the way till today. Today as in Sunday, not Saturday), almost got cheated at MacDawg, spent $55 on comics, finally managed to chat-up a girl at Robben Ford concert at Big Splash but only got her name and nothing, I repeat, NOTHING else, took a cab to NUS but ended walking to find the Guild House instead, read finish the comics I just bought while waiting for the show to end, hp ran out of batteries, and smoked a double though I have IPPT on monday and I stopped smoking since Thursday night. Now I just got home and my toe nails are longer than my fingernails and are biting into my toes when I wear my shoes and I haven't got a chance to cut them and I'm all dirty but too lazy to shower (But I must. I must.). And my stupid wireless keeps getting disconnected cos of interference by other cable users. Wireless my ass. Thank y'all. It's been a great day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Last night was nice. Eugene together (The band not the bassist). No money but still spending (to an extend). Crappy food at Newton (Should have went to S-11 but the sting ray rocked). Mad bunch of bands at Bar None (Cept SCS but they're still alright lah). Pity most of us had to work the next day.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

You know what's the worst thing that can happen to you when you've got an "off" day the next day? You get bored and pissed.