Saturday, July 31, 2004

I knew it! I so predicted it back in Army like 5 or 6 years back. I knew the movie industry has ran out of ideas for movies and are turning to comic industry for ideas. Now they got themselves covered for at least 10 years or so. I mean, check it out. Harry Pothead - at least 7 years, one year each. Star Wars - another 6 years or so. X-men, LOX and Spiderman. They even did lame-ass (comparative) comic characters like Catwoman and Daredevil and Punisher. I knew they're gonna jump on Hulk and predicted Fantastic Four was next on their list. I mean, come on, it's a great opportunity to do some major CGI hit. I mean...FF!!! Dude!!!! Think about it. I think their keeping the major ones for future when the hype dies down abit. Next stop I'm sure they'll do Iron Man and Cap America. Wonder Woman and Superman (again) is already hanging somewhere. And once that, Avengers and JLA. Come on, we've got Flash and Green Lantern waiting. There's a pool of gold waiting there in the comic industry. They don't even have to think of new ideas. Just look to Marvel and DC. Hey! Don't forget Independent and Image and all the rest! When that's done. They've always got the fantasy section. LOTR...hmmm...I'm sure Dungeons and Dragons and the Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms shit will be next. (Not that crap D&D that they produced back then). Don't forget the music industry. They did a wonderful Doors thingy. Janis Joplin is coming. (Rene!! Rene!! Not Pink! I can't spell Zelwegereuhsdca). Hendrix and Nirvana is sure to be next. Hey man! It's the 27 years rock star age cap! Know your shit before yapping away like some yuppies at a pub going you know everything. Bitch! I'm such a, quote from Sean Flytrap, "Comic book fan", or something like that. I'm such a whiner. Stop copying me!!! Blarg!

Friday, July 30, 2004

Why is there still no money in my bank although I've been working my ass off all the time. I'm practically working, or in some way, oh and I must add that my day is split only into two time zones, morning, and evenings, mornings, and after that, evenings till late, and weekends in some way again, and still nothing! Nada! Zilch! And every month bills turn up to be paid, singtel keeps calling me to pay more for my outstanding bill instead of the measly, to them but a lot to me, sum that I pay them even though I'm practically, but not really again, but in some way, starving. I hope this is intelligible. Or is it legible. Whatever. I'm so brain-dead. tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...........

Thursday, July 15, 2004

There has been changes to some of the bands' time and venue. Here is it again.

Eugene's Moment of Truth will be performing on the 24th of July 4pm and 25th of July 1pm @ Paragon. Come join us. You are the music. We're just the band.

click on image for more info about Platform

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

emot rocks emot rocks emot rocks emot rocks emot rocks emot rocks emot rocks emot rocks

you wanna know why? come catch us. See the amount of curry we eat. (Who said I'm talking about the gigs we're playing)

Eugene's Moment of Truth will be performing on the 24th of July 4pm @ Paragon and 25th of July 1pm @ Far East. Come join us. You are the music. We're just the band.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

What is the deal with cars tail-gating riders especially taxis. Anyway, Eugene's Moment of Truth is rocking. Gayatri kicks ass, and catch us at Tapestry.

click on image for more info about Platform

And check out my new hair cut.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Man I fucking hate all those drivers who think they're damn rich or think they have real nice, fancy looking fast cars. No regard for human life whatsoever. All they're concern about is trying to impress others. I don't mind the impressing part but with nothing to impress with..??? pleeeeease....buying the most expensive cars or making the most noise in a bar doesn't mean you have a big dick or you're cool. Just because you sit in an office all day and bitch and do nothing and yet take home a paycheck every month doesn't mean you can step over everyone. Just because you've finally reached top management doesn't mean you should forget how bad is it below. These people should have their nose punched in and given the two finger nose hook. These people should fucking get their cars smashed in. These people should get into a real accident due to their disregardness and find out that the person they knocked into and caused some kinda serious injury or death is actually someone they know. Man it could even be your kid since parents are such bad drivers too. All I'm asking is for everyone to be nice. Just a little nicer will do. Put on a smile and the world will be a nicer place. But gotta act all high and mighty. Well finger flick to you. Dickheads.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Training's over. Now slack all the way. Today I gave Krystar a lift back. 2 of us with one SBO, 2 field packs and a huge carrier bag squeezed onto me Mag-mah and I gave him a lift back from Tuas to AMK Thailand style.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Man I barely survived ippt in camp. But I did ok. Dun think I'll be aching for a week. Here comes another $200 (silver lah) and no IPPT for a year!!! But got battle drills morrow. Boring. The shoot sucked today. COuldn't be bothered so I missed almost everything. Nice chicken chop at combined mess though. Sucky cheap $1.20 last layer tiger beer. urg.....

Saturday, July 03, 2004

I'm blogging from camp!!! How cool is that. First two days. Slack. Learnt the new weapon and slept alot. It's hhhheaaaa-vyyyy...I prefer the old one, though the new one is far-out and looking at it when something breaks out, it'll be good. All secrecy and confidential eh. I'm going sooooo broke with buying stuff in-camp. Hope the project works out and some money comes in and can do other stuff.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

I paid for a haircut today!!! (I normally don't) $16 freaking dollars. Totally not worth it. Reservist here I come!!!!