Friday, September 24, 2004

plasticblackspecs says:
tell you wat. keep your cigs in your back pocket. it helps
Darrell says:
Darrell says:
that would crush them
plasticblackspecs says:
Darrell says:
then i'll buy new pack
plasticblackspecs says:
then keep in your backpocket again

I got hit by sudden rain just now. completely drenched man. Right down to my socks. Luckily no pools of water in butt-crack. phew!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Wow. This is the first time I'm home early. I had a great time at Orchard Hotel with MFG for some cancer charity thing by First Light. Don't ask me for details. I never pay attention. But it was great. Wish it could last longer but it's a work weekday night and not many people like me have weird work schedules and no real job. Now I have no idea wat to do this early (by my standards). Maybe I should find more work to fill my time.

Should I go for the 10 year secondary school reunion thingy? I already said I won't be going cos I would have to trade my sat's work with sun if I was, and I don't have $40. Mainly cos I can't I don't have $40 (yes, I'm that pathetic). Actually I just found out it was a 10 year secondary school reunion thingy today from Brandon, the bassist in the Thomson Jazz band (we both thought we looked familiar. what a coincident). I always thought it was just a class gathering. That changed my mind. Now I just don't know. But $40.........

Saturday, September 18, 2004

The thing about time travel's possible. But here's teh catch. You can only time travel forward and not backwards. Plus....depending on how far ahead you wanna travel, it takes an equal amount of time. Think about it. ;D
Here's a new word I learnt. Pom-pom-pom-pom-pom-pom-pom-pus. Now here's an OLD word I use all the time. Bullshit!
Sigh. It's off to another one of those 3am done shifts. Money better be good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

My attempt to cut my own hair failed miserably. I ended up thinning my hair a lot and now look more dorkier than the dork I used to look like.
I have nothing to do so I'm rambling on at home. Maybe I should cut my hair.....hmmmmm
Ever since I've started work at the D. ( life seems to revolves around a lot of Ds.) I've been watching a lot of sports. ESPN, Star sports, wrestling, tennis, soccer...Tennis mainly in particular actually. (Not interested in soccer and wrestling is kinda boring after awhile. Tennis is the only spot you can watch with the mute button on and STILL keep you entralled.) Women's tennis to be exact. (uh hmmm....) The thing I notice about tennis, or sports in general, is the image. Like every other thing in the industry or world that has any remote factor of being in the entertainment scene in someway, you HAVE to look good. Have you every noticed, there is not a single fugly tennis player or volleyball, or soccer, or football or any sport player? No one will wanna watch it. Imagine (all the people....) tennis. (let's stick to tennis. Have you seen the women's doubles match? The china team are ba-abes!) Even if you're a top notch player but have a bad hair-do (wait-a-min. All male players have bad hair-dos) or...I dunno...a patch (it'll probably become a fashion statement) or a hare-lip (what's that?), or just look bad. No one will watch the game....

Stupid ants on table. I've lost my tread now. But anyway, you know what I mean. Think about it the next time you turn on the TV.

Actually, it's not so much about looking good or bad or fugly or ba-abe!!, but more of an image. Once you've got an image going, you're more or less settled in. People identify you with that image and will start morphing (no pun intended) into something like, not you, but your image, or for that matters, the "celebrities" image. Just look around you. The wrist-band, the clothes you wear, the cutting of your jeans, the caps, your bad, the long chains hooked to nothing (ah ha! caught you there, tot I was gonna say wallet didnj't you?), the hairstyles, the way we act. What's cool and what's not. What's hip and what's hop (I can't believe I said that). Then we got the this-is-so-uncool-that-it's-cool cool. I-don't-care cool. Ladies and Gentlemen. It's all about being cool, hip and trendy. You know what. Screw that. Be froody and hoopy. Ah-ha! Now here's another new non-chalant-not-cool-i-don't-care-look-at-me-I'm-different cool. Maybe it's just me? I beg to differ. I just wanted to say that. Stupid ants.
In some strange way, my bike is like me. WHen I'm feeling tired. My bike feels tired, and the engine sorts of just drags. When I'm not, it doesn't. When I'm in the Alright-I've-just-finished-a-late-shift-and-who's-up-for-food-at-3am-in-the-morning-high mood, my bike is too. But sadly that's the time when everything is running smoothly, the mind AND engine, no one wants to come out or is even remotely awake at that time and we both (me and my bike) ride silently home.
This morning, on the way back from work. I came a cross this accident. The car was over-turned and the para-medics and fire-fighters and basically all the Civil Defense people involved in an accident which involves a car upside down were trying to get the passenger or driver out from underneath it. I could hear the faint, out-of-breath-out-of-voice-in-pain screams coming from the car as I rode by. Ouch! It takes a lot to over-turn a car. Must be some crazy driving or freak bizarre accident.

On a brighter note, as I was riding, there was a cockroach on my handle bar. Yuck!

Now my table, for no particular reason, is crawling with ants. I have no idea where they came from. Think it's time I cleaned my room.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Sat 11th sept. Substation Humanimal Sept-Fest. 3-7pm. Eugene's Moment of Truth plays an acoustic set at 530pm.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

The gig this morning was terrible. The sound was bad. The atmosphere was bad. We all felt funny on stage half-way thru teh set. It was just crap. Bad crap with poo that no matter how much you clean you can't get it all off bad crap. The countless monitors on-stage and teh enormous gigantic huge ass stage were more look good than do good. Amp hidden behind some I dunno what that youc an't even get access to it incase you wanna do some quick changes to teh amp settings. No soundcheck, just up and go. Professional soundman will ensure you get a good sound my ass. Them, I don't trust, and never will. Too much bad rumours and nothing good from the mouths of the people is bound to say something. Thanks everyone for not coming. Special mention to Patch and Pauline and er...Pauline and her friend who actually came down. Thanks. Really. You guys rock.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Man...some people are just whinners. And Jackasses. Or both. We gotta gotta gotta keep moving on.....keep rocking and smiling and rolling and swimming in the pool of coke. Diving in a pool of cool refreshing coke is what should be on a hot day. Whatever that means. Sigh. Miss the D. and Matno days where everythng was so much easier. Just up and go. Pity had no vocalist then. I still say we rocked for a bunch of kids \m/. We rocked harder and louder than anyone. 2 guitar amps cranked almost full is just not enough. And I'm only taking bout one guitar. It's so tiring now cos not many people believe in The Man anymore but I'm still sticking it to The Man cos The Man rocks. And He believes. He never doesn't (double negative). Here's to The Man!