Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Getting to sleep is hard nowadays.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Argh! I'm a fustrated musician!!!! I want it all. Siting around waiting for muse to hit you takes forever. Looking for muse never works. Just doing it isn't helping. Influences are confusing. Everything I hear is my influence. Everything I hear I like. But liking everything is like mixing colors with whites in a washing machine. Outcome is never good. In the end, the clothes are left hanging around stinking. I need a washing machine badly. I'm too lazy to hand wash. Blarg! I could do with a fridge and a stove or hotplate and a frying pan while I'm at it. I miss making pancakes with ice-cream. A bottle of whiskey would be nice too while chilling. Rambling on like a rambling man. Oh how I wish, how I wish. I'm so broke it's not funny anymore. Again. Money sucks. Should I just drop everything? Tempting. Tempting. But I don't have the guts to. Sigh. Coward.