Thursday, December 28, 2006

I just changed a tyre last night in the rain. No joke man. And it's been raing everyday! What a way to waste away the week while the office is close. Damn it! Can't even ride.

Check this out.

I think....I'll tell you what I think when I have the mood. The rain isn't helping.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

And now there's a hole in my pocket AND my butt. But the ride is still sweet.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Man! I totally forgot that I did this till I saw it. hahahaha!!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Constantly being screwed over and over again. Try to do something different, something for others, and they are only interested in two thing. Self-glorification and that measley few dollars. That's why you see the world failing, the music industry being in the shits it is and businesses all over the world fake smiling at everyone. The golden age has come and comebacks is the new thing. Everyone's just riding and surfing till it's over saturated like a pack of fats. And in the end, the old that becomes the new becomes the old again and the new never gets to grow old. The Man has became the bastard and a bitch. There is no true spirit anymore. The indie has became mainstream. The mainstream has become pop, and the pop becomes ridiculed and forgotten. Globalization within Corporation without cooperation. The system is breaking down. The only safe place left is nowhere, not even inside your head. Hence the noise. The loud, intense, fortification of noise. The constant sound over the nagging that won't go away.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Franz Ferdinand or The Killers.

Leave your comments and why.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mojo just gave birth. She wouldn't let me leave her side during her whole labour trip. I had to sit next to her or she would call after me and leave her nest. Thru her delivery, she constantly looked for me for moral support. Couple of strokes and she'll go back delivering. 3 hours and 4 kittens later, all is well. Every single one of them survived. The only one that looked like the dad was already acting like him after a short feeding. Curled up away sleeping. I may be broke, have a shitty job am gonna have to worry about what I'm gonna do with the kittens soon and I know I should have spayed the cats but right now I don't care. There isn't happiness. There is joy.

Egon's looks of concern

Like father like kid

Mojo's proud look

The delivery nest. Next to Stairway to Heaven

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Click for larger image


Come on down to HOME Club every 3rd Saturday of the month for an Indie Eclec-tric Flea Market brimming with tunes from up and coming local bands and sweet, sweet rocking indie music from our very own collective.

Featuring this October, we present a flea market galore, local bands 'T.H.E. (Thusly Henceforth Ergo)', 'The Oslo Castaways' and 'Sleeve' and '' at the console

Indie Eclec-tric Flea Market
Local bands*: T.H.E. (Thusly Henceforth Ergo), The Oslo Castaways and Sleeve
21st October 2006, Saturday. 4pm - 10pm.
20, Upper Circular Road
B1-01/06, The Riverwalk
Singapore 058416
Free Entry
Happy hour till 11pm
*Band performances starts at 6pm
Enquires: is an established Internet radio station based here in Singapore. A collective of DJs who assign themselves names by color, this team serves up an eclectic mix of indie rock and alternative tunes to rock the floor with style and humor. Listen out for mashed up tunes that will change your perspective of certain tracks and their heritage. will bring you indie rock with a different slant, their wide range of influences and various members and contributors prove that more can also be just that, more. Get ready for some sugaré brown, white, yellow, maroon, gold, blue, black and green, whatever color of the rainbow you should choose, these guys are prepared to dish it out.

Band Info:

T.H.E. (Thusly Henceforth Ergo)
Hailing from different walks of life, a group of people have come together to form T.H.E. Infusing their different influences into the band, T.H.E is a melding of a range of sounds, expressions and personalities. It also contains a broad range of sense of humour, some in unsalvageable levels. If you're into indie pop, alternative and the sorts, they're the ONE for you. Thusly, you should catch them in action as they hype up the stage with their music. Henceforth, it will be a great experience. And ergo, you will buy them drinks after they finish with their sets.

The Oslo Castaways
The silence engulfs.
We are The Oslo Castaways. (Formerly Known as The Subway Stars)
Hailing neither from Norway or the sea, the reference to Oslo wishes to encompass the beauty of Oslo. Of the long days and of the Northern lights. Of the waters and fjords. Of the tranquil and peace. And of being cast away from this place. A sense of longing and grief. Regret, despair, negativity.

This four piece indie rock act wishes to instill in their listeners an understanding of what they want to portray. More often than not, people try to put themselves in other people's shoes, trying to feel what they feel, without even understanding the root of the problem. An understanding is what they seek, at the very least.

Sitting. Standing. Waiting. You know what it's like to wait forever.

Formed in July 2005, Sleeve is a quintet producing original music that, according to listeners, is deeply melancholic and emotional. Our members have varying influences ranging from the music of Radiohead, to old school Malay rock. On the whole, the different playing styles of each member complement each other to personify a sound that is essentially unique to Sleeve's identity. Sleeve draws inspiration from true life experiences and emotions, making it easy for listeners to relate. We are currently working on our new single "Bound" and hope to release it on CD soon after.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Excellent. I have $4 left for the rest of the month

Monday, September 04, 2006

Excellent. Just excellent. My glasses just fell into the toilet hole (not bowl) and I'm now blind without a spare except my old broken one. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Happened while I was showering and my glasses was in the sink. The shampoo fell into the sink, hit the glasses, *bounce!* fell right into the hole. Why is there a hole? Cos the water doesn't go thru the cover so I had to open it. Damn it!

The hole with cover.

The culprit

Boink! Into the black abyss of yuckiness.

My pathetic sight saver

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Argh! The agony! But can't helped it, there's nothing else on TV and if I sleep I won't be able to wake up in time for work like yesterday. If you're up at 6am, check it out, then you can bitch with me. What happened to Yan can cook?

"Camera man, can you hear me?" Camera nods. "No? Too bad." Arghh!!!!!
6am. Stupid cooking show with some woman with a half cocked HK accent or some I dunno what accent (could be Asian trying to speak a cross of American and Australian) frying vegetables.

"...with a chopstick. I am using chopsticks because I am chinese and I have been using chopsticks since I was a little girl. But you don't have to use a chopstick. You can use a laddle."

wtf?! and their is pronounced "there" not "they are"

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Thanks "y'all" who helped or was involved or participated or had anything to do with T.A.G.S. 2 this year. Without you guys it wouldn't have been possible. Thank you.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

It’s Never Enough: The Art of Gear Stomping Part Deux

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Monday, August 21, 2006

I got me a skipper. Not exactly the bike I want but it's all I could afford right now. Just managed to barely pay for it, that's how broke I am. Anyway, since I've been riding it for the past 3 or so days, I realized how much I miss riding. The freedom, the breeze thru the body. PLUS it's automatic, means I don't have to change gears, means even more freedom! And there's this flat floor board thing where I can put my bag, or even better, my pedal case!!! Now just have to get a soft case for my guitar and I can bike to jamming or gigs. Cool!!!

Also chekkit!

Friday, August 04, 2006

FUCK HELL YEAH YAY WHOOO!!!! These guys are fucking geniuses!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Yoooo!!!!! All just nice into one.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Check this out guys!

Sometimes, things can get really boring.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Shit shit shit! Not enough time to prepare for TAGS. Die man. Why I slack off so long? Why?! Hope can pull it off this year.

I'm so staring at this.

Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! (not cos of the design lah, cos it's cheap)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Cool coke in a can with cigs. Crazy. Absolutely crazy. :)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

4am. Couldn't sleep. I took a shower, got dressed, lit a cigarette and when downstairs.

430am. I took a drag of my cigarette and enjoyed the breeze while Oh Lately It's So Quiet by Ok Go played on my pod.

The song ended just as I finished my fag and I took a cab home.

I miss Australia.
Don't mess with her man

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Whoooo yeaaa!!!!

And this is for you weiweiweiweiweiweiweiweiwei

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My board is sort of fixed (pics up soon) but I don't really like how it's set-up so I guess it's back to the drawing board for me. It's bloody freaking heavy for me too, owing to the fact that there's a Line 6 DL-4 and a wah pedal in there now, and also that I'm terribly out of shape. I might get rid of the board all together and opt for 2 smaller cases instead. I might wanna dump some of the stuff I'm not using and throw in a TS-9 instead for the clean overdrive/booster sound. Being broke isn't helping however. I'm broke for the next 3 months or so, so I guess no moving out there.

My place is in such a shitty condition and so much bad vibes that it has became a chore coming here and I can't get much sleep either. On the plus side, I'll be able to get up on time for work (have been going really late for quite some time). On the negative end, it's not even 7am. I've been up since 445am simple cos I couldn't get sleep. I mean, yes, I did doze off into the comfortable state of "switch-off" mind, but somewhere after that I just couldn't continue and can't sleep.

In order to try to survive, I feel like, but maybe not, dump my MXR stereo chorus which I just got but don't really use but I like the sound, microkorg, microsynth, tremolo, also which I don't really use but I feel I wanna keep it cos I might wanna use it, Washburn 335 style guitar, magazines of hot chicks. But I also wanna get a TS-9, a DD-6 and/or an echo park, more magazines of hot chicks. Wishes and want-ses. Whishy-washy. I DO need however, an external harddisk of at least 300GB, an audio interface and a midi-controller. Some fags would be nice too. And of course, magazines of hot chicks. Oh. And a bike.

If anyone is interested, I have some stuff for sale at
Cool. Thanks to Willy, Spiderman 3 is about his symbiote, has Sandman, and other cool villians. Check it here.

Friday, June 23, 2006

It's finally here. After almost a month it's finally here. Now to play with my toys. Gotta get more short cables, another daisy chain, some velcro. I won't be contactable for the next few days to I rig up my board. Boys' toys!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

28th May. Now it's 21st June. SO BLOODY LONG!!!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's coming. But it took so long. And after adding everything up and all that hidden charges, it's actually not much cheaper. And it's still gonna take about a week to arrive. Never gonna be here in time for the gig.

People still owe me money and I have no idea when I'm gonna get it back. In total it's almost a thousand dollars. Maybe I shouldn't be so sympathic anymore and lend money to my friends. Friends. If they really are, I wouldn't be waiting for so long for my money to be returned. I'm so broke now. Haven't paid my phone bills for teh past 2 months and I still owe dad for credit card bills. Credit cards are evil. 2 1/2 more weeks till pay day. And even then there won't be anything left after paying of my debts.

It's the 14th. 14th more days to pay day. 8 more days to an unconfirmed help out for a friend to do sound man gig. 7 more days to my debut solo gig and not enough material. 4 more days to Literati and I don't know what's gonna happen there. 3 more days to The Subway Stars gig at Rock D'Fort and I'm afraid of screwing up 'cos I can't remember the song names. Don't even know anything anymore. Don't even know if I'll ever be ready. I shall go out somewhere and hide but I can't. I should be at home doing a wash and working on my stuff.

Monday, June 12, 2006





Jun 9, 2006 8:28 AM


Compton, CA

7:22 AM

On FedEx vehicle for delivery


5:23 AM

At local FedEx facility


4:07 AM

Arrived at FedEx location


Then where the FUCK is my stuff!!!! It's teh 13th and no news yet!!!! What the hell is vPOST USA doing? Can't they just fucking make a call or send an email saying hey, this dude's stuff is here. M-Fers!

Angst aside. Check this out.

How To Eat Fried Worms

I used to read this book when I was a kid. Love it man.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

what the fuck man!!!! You have NO idea how many times my mac crashed before and how much information and work I've lost. I was all fucking NBCB!!!!!! Assignments gone. Ideas gone. Music gone. I still like macs but...this is toooo much.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

hello all. I'm in the car now half drunk waitingf or the booze to subside befoe I can drive home and dump my stuff and sleep a nd go for morrw's jam. as u can see from my typing i"m not bluffing, ut
s 4am in teh morning and luckily there's bandwidth i can steal so i dun just stone out in the car. just done a gig at home club with no crowd;s energy to feed off. i think i did a pretty good job with the sound compared to the other ppl who came in. I guess teh owner;s quite happy and keeps giving free booze. we (me and the rest who staed) kept telling him that the booze was weak and he kept saying you wait and give us something strnger which wasn't really stringer but we just kept drinking. in the end end we still felt teh effect. everyone else took a cab or had a lift back and I'm the only one having to wait befor ei can drnve without trashing my omm's fren's car which I kena fined for not puttingc arpark coupon already cos I tot free parking after 5pm and I went thu erp witout putting cashcard. wat the fuck. yesterday we (samanta) had a gig at naynyang poly. ok except for the amazing super incredible masive fucking reverb that killeed teh sound that made the gigs smei shitty. lucky it was keith ding teh osund or it would have been worst. teh night before we were recroding at shaun ala mindfuckingboy's void deck tring to finish up a decent mix for teh demo CD to give out to ppl/ in the end. the gig at nanyang had power failure. delayed and we had to cut our se shortl. all the kids weng home already by the time we played. Home gig also not much ppl. so it was all wasted and we didn't give much free Cds away/ free le!. wat the hell.i'm standing in bass for subway stars cos john entered NS and we have a gig n the 17th and i haven't cathed all teh songs yet. i have tp finish the e newsletter of funstage by sunday or latest monyda so i can get it out by wednesday. i'm their 1st guest editor for igt. ve honored and i want it out bewfore literati kicks off. so hapy got one person called to enqure about it. one tota stranger makes up more than a bucnh of friends. it meqns that we're reaching ot to ppl. that's wat we want. i can't be bothered to keep hitting the backspace button to chnage my spelling mistakes. moday sme rp STUDENTS ARE COCOMH over to leqarn abit abut therterre i dunno wat to teqach them about sound. mot prib what ever i tell them would ebe too uch for their little heads to abosrd. to me it ,ay be the basics of norm but to them. i must rememebr that i migt bring my laptop to "show off: abit. i'm starting to dig the laptop shit.screw bands man. go solo like wt marc and shaun says. but playjng with bads is differnet. i might jst incorporate it in. i so need to get a decent audio interace and controllers so ic an do more. weh n is my fucking pedals coming in? so long already. paid laready and i owe my dad liek almost 2 to 3 fucking thousand dollars. sue ann was the nly one who came down in teh end for the gig. everyone else. wat get free nrty for the.s queeze so many in the end not even one came down. fucked up. what's wrong with ppl nowadays man. i think it'll take another 20-30 mins more befire i can drive. it's too dangerous to drive ow. i'm not stupid. drnk already still go drinve. only stupid mutherfuckers wld do that. hope i get sober before the battery runs out. i bootlegged the gig. anyone who wants a copy contact e. anyone who wants free samanta demo CD THAT'S TTLE IMITED PRODUCED BLOOOD SWWEAT AND TEARS DEMO CD CAN ALSO CONTACT ME. IT'S MY FUCKING BLOOD WQTsweat and teqrs. i think i keep ghitting the caps by mistak. super rnt man uts keep going on and on and on i should finish y article instead by i can't be bothered. i haven't blogged in a while and sio hears something for yu. too lazy to uplaod pics. u should get an extranelal hard sijk and dump all my stiff in and clean up my comp. porn shold go too. hahaha..the good thing about pcs is that up can play games. surf porn do you work AND do sound stuff macs...pgffft.t.fuck off man. i'm switching back tp PC user. macs can wait till i'm rich enough to show off. mybe for video editing but the. for now. fuck off macs. no pritaed shits. piracy rules man. keeps ppl n their toes'. hink the alcohol has subsdes/d now waitkng for the fraking headache to go off. fuck man. shouldn't have drove. \but was late and i had alot of things to carry and colect. i should totally clean my room.wat the hell. i so wanna move out but so broke. rant rant rant. can't fucking download my email. i'lll just sit for ahwile. sdlkhs ;dfsd

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sunday. Past midnight. Still waiting.....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

2 days and still counting. And then I wait.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I have spent. Now time will tell. To be continued.......

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Since I've lost my pedals, I've lost the drive to do anything. I just wanna sit around and do nothing but stone. Plus the shitty guitar and shitty overdrive sound that came out from jamming today didn't help. YUCK! Gigs seems boring. Jamming seems boring. Going to gigs is a drag. Work is just dead monotonus. No mood to write songs. No mood to do events. Lappie seems to be giving me problems. Not to mention that I'm dead broke. Even with so many gigs and new songs that has been coming out and my cats becoming less irritating, all I can do is just stare straight and let the streams of time carry me forward. Walking, following, floating, riding on the currents to take me wherever. I've become monotonus. Monotonus like those who work cos they have to work and not cos they like their job. No more heart. No more soul. No more passion. No more money to buy fags to have a nice long drag outside my dirty balcony which I don't use. No more money to tank up on booze to give me that silly grin and half closed eyes and laughing like an idiot feeling I like. It's such a drag these days.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

ooo...last one.

Damn you 80s! Look what you did! But they're still a great band none the less. Volume a bit soft though so crank it up.

Excellent keyboard playing


The original

Excellent story

And some more to keep you rocking
Yes. Yes! YES!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Monday, May 08, 2006

Great. I just lost a load of pedals. I was transporting stuff from Sub to Perumal and thought I'd just close the door and run down, grab stuff and run up again and dump it in my place. Apparently, I think/suspect someone just opened the door, walked in and grabbed my laptop bag (which I think they though was a laptop inside but actually my pedals) and an Ikea plastic bag full of candle holders which I was downstairs. I hope I'm wrong and I'll find the Ikea bag of candle hodlers at Sub and the laptop bag somewhere else (though I remember bringing them into the car). But right now, I'm down a Jim Dunlop Cry Baby Wah which belongs to my friend who bought it in around 1998-2000 somewhere there, a Line 6 DL-4 Delay Pedal which I haven't finish paying Mr. MISSE for, a BOSS SD-1 which always runs out of stock at Swee Lee and my first pedal, a Ibanez Phaser PT-9 or something like that. It's the old school one and I got it (thru a friend) at cash converters for less than $30. $26 or $29. Around there. Fucked up!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

This is so fucked up! My tooth is hurting like mad. I can't get an appointment at a polyclinic dental till 3 weeks later and I can't afford to go to a fucking private dentist. FUCKED UP!!!!! Fuck it man. I'm not going anymore. Let the pain continue. Fuckers.

Monday, May 01, 2006

My woman rocks! But the stupid camera is loose. Bloody hell!!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

7 1/2 hours to go to interview and I'm still awake. Why no sleep? Must be Jebediah's fault :P Jeb rocks

Tuesday, April 04, 2006




Friday, March 31, 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Damn you washing machine!!!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Your Band Name is:

The Stinky Ninjas

So true! So true!!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

It's peanut butter jelly time! Let's all do the dance!

Friday, March 17, 2006

What the hell?! I'm been constantly screwed over. That's fucked up man. Fucked up. Fuckers.
Sigh. Wish.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Someone call SMCA. Monster abuse!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Zap zap zap. why not suck suck suck. I'd buy that. hahahahaha

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Dude! Dude!!!!!!! DOODE!!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wahahaha!!!! Pfttttttlurp!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

No rock n roll is so boring lor. Ya lame-o but it really is. Sat hopefully can really get to jam. Hope this line up will really rock cos I'm sick and tired of uninterested and passionless people and starting over and over and over again. I just wanna start, not stop and keep going. I miss rocking it out on stage, trying to figure out what's that note that makes everything sound right, bugging people to come to my gigs and sub-conciously flirting away with everyone to get their contacts in my pathetic attempt to get more people who never heard of local music before to check it out and give us a chance (or actually check US out :P), begging and slutting the band to everyone I know and pimping it to organizers to score gigs, having an album that I can safely sell or give away proudly and know we're still around and not hiatus-ing, knowing we always have a gig on standby to tell anyone who asks or anyone I talk to, or rather who would listen to me rant, to come check us out at so and so and then mass SMSing to everyone in my phonebook to come check us out (again) and thus overloading my free SMS and having to pay $100+ for my phonebill for JUST SMSes, lugging loads of stuff to gigs to archive the performance on audio and video and trying to gather emails for a mailing list that was never used. Sigh. Disheartened is the word.

Guess I'll put playing guitars aside for now and stick to rocking it out with my bass. My lovely sweet bass. Oh it's been ages since I've last caressed you. Since I last banged you. Literally. I think the last time was Stasis 8. Or was it the DXO gig? Hmmm...Back on track, guess guitars will have to wait till I can find something that fits. I'm actually seriously considering dumping all my guitar stuff and just stick to bass are fun too. Not that I'm any good at it, or the bass for that matters, but it's so fun to mess around with funny chords and funky effects. So fun to lug around heavy cases of pedals and spend ages setting it up for a jam let alone gig. Unlike bass where you just plug and wait by the side while everyone takes forever to set-up. Miss is another word.

I shall be called Miss Disheartened.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm dreaming of another band. And another. And another. And another. There's no end. And since most everyone isn't enthusiastic enough to feed my drive for performing live, I have to create as many opportunities as I can. I just want to play. Luckily I don't play drums. Unluckily I don't sing.


A new "just-for-fun" side project band is forming in the horizon and we still need some HR work. Female drummer found. Female guitarist found. Male bassist found. Searching for male vocalist. We are balancing the forces so we don't look like a half-baked all-girl band or something. Think Von Bondies or Kaito. So any boys out there who would love to sing for a no-frills-straight-up-we-will-rock-you band? I suggested rock singing, but male bassist said "anyhow singing" suits better.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Friday The 13th. Not such a great day after all. Paul of Garage Studio and the drummer of Sleeve fame passed away. Cause of death still unknown but he was found dead at Garage itself. It was said that he died in his sleep. I frequent Garage Studios a lot. Mainly 'cos I finish late from work most of the time and it's one of the coolest and cheapest and most convenient place for a midnight jam.I went for his wake and his funeral. The mood was so sombre at his wake. Those who came just sat around. No one talked. It was so quiet. His funeral was sad too. Heard he was the only son. His parents were really strong. 'Cept his grandma who was crying for him at his funeral. When his body was cremated, we all tried to be as strong as we could. But as his coffin slowly entered into the crematorium, his dad waved goodbye to him. It was too much to handle and I just had to cry for him. It was a very sad moment. He shall be missed dearly.

Paul was a great guy. Always friendly. Very polite. Super humble. He was a great drummer too. Just looking at the way he played and you could tell. His strokes. The way he played. The way he controlled his sticks. The way he played with dynamics. It was mesmorizing watching him play. I only really saw him play for the first time at Stasis 8 and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. That Sunday we had a brief chat. Thursday I just messaged him to book a studio for Sunday. Friday he passed away.

We're trying to organize a gig in memory of him. Do come to lend your support even if you do not know him well.

Here's to Paul.

Friday, January 13, 2006

THIS is Johnny Zero

I like. Very Guy Ritchie. Very Snatch. Very cool. Like. Like. Like. Thursday late nights or rather Friday very early morning. Watch. Don't sleep. Before that there's a series of cartoons. Can't remember the names. The Amercian Guy I think and something else. What's it Bid? Catnip. hahahahaha...

I guess the series didn't really survive but I liked the pilot. What a waste.

Egon's sleeping on my lap again. Only he sleeps on me. Even when I'm sleeping. On my chest. On my side. Slut! Mojo just disappears. Cool thing is they're my wake up call. Every morning around 7am without fail they'll fight (playfully) on my bed and start nibbling on my leg and toes. Grrr.....! Why can't they fight somewhere else. By the time I throw them out of my room I'm up already. Which usually is TOO DARN EARLY!!!
Ahhh...Friday the 13th. I love Friday the 13th. It's just so...special.

Egon and Mojo are so funny. Whenever I'm in the toilet, theycomewhinning at the door for me. Trying to get under the door. And ifI'mtaking too long, they'll go to the shower cubicle and wait for meinthe corner. Hello! I'm taking a dump here!

Mojo's actingthequeen now. Only looking for affection when Egon's not around.WhenEgon's around, she's all like, "Hey! I'm cool. I don't need anyofthose childish, immature things." But when Egon is sleeping or notinthe vicinity, she's all, "Suckle! Cuddle! Me! Me! Me!" Egon ontheother hand is just a slut. Always wanting attention. Always wantingtolie on your lap. Always eating. Sounds familiar. hahahaha!

Gottafinda way to keep Mojo off the table. She's all queen like andalwayswanting to perch on higher ground. Always trying daring stuntswhichEgon would then follow. Like balancing on the kitchen chair'sback-restover looking out into the street and trying to climb out ofthe windowfrom the ground. Bad influence!

Gotta raise money tobring themto the vet. It's way past their checkup/vaccination date butI'm sosuper broke. Just paid $441 for my starhub phone bill and I stilloweM1 close to $200. ARGH! I'll never get my bike at this rate. I soneedit. Transport is killing me especially since I'm travelling quitealot. I so need a better paying job with better hours. I can'tsurviveon my current salary and there's so much more I wanna and cando. I'mso definitely worth more than what I'm getting paid. Guess I'llhave togrit my teeth and just wing it. In the meantime try to do moreandsleep less. Anyway i've been sleeping past 3am almost everydayforquite some time already.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Johnny Zero rocks!