Thursday, June 29, 2006

Whoooo yeaaa!!!!

And this is for you weiweiweiweiweiweiweiweiwei

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My board is sort of fixed (pics up soon) but I don't really like how it's set-up so I guess it's back to the drawing board for me. It's bloody freaking heavy for me too, owing to the fact that there's a Line 6 DL-4 and a wah pedal in there now, and also that I'm terribly out of shape. I might get rid of the board all together and opt for 2 smaller cases instead. I might wanna dump some of the stuff I'm not using and throw in a TS-9 instead for the clean overdrive/booster sound. Being broke isn't helping however. I'm broke for the next 3 months or so, so I guess no moving out there.

My place is in such a shitty condition and so much bad vibes that it has became a chore coming here and I can't get much sleep either. On the plus side, I'll be able to get up on time for work (have been going really late for quite some time). On the negative end, it's not even 7am. I've been up since 445am simple cos I couldn't get sleep. I mean, yes, I did doze off into the comfortable state of "switch-off" mind, but somewhere after that I just couldn't continue and can't sleep.

In order to try to survive, I feel like, but maybe not, dump my MXR stereo chorus which I just got but don't really use but I like the sound, microkorg, microsynth, tremolo, also which I don't really use but I feel I wanna keep it cos I might wanna use it, Washburn 335 style guitar, magazines of hot chicks. But I also wanna get a TS-9, a DD-6 and/or an echo park, more magazines of hot chicks. Wishes and want-ses. Whishy-washy. I DO need however, an external harddisk of at least 300GB, an audio interface and a midi-controller. Some fags would be nice too. And of course, magazines of hot chicks. Oh. And a bike.

If anyone is interested, I have some stuff for sale at
Cool. Thanks to Willy, Spiderman 3 is about his symbiote, has Sandman, and other cool villians. Check it here.

Friday, June 23, 2006

It's finally here. After almost a month it's finally here. Now to play with my toys. Gotta get more short cables, another daisy chain, some velcro. I won't be contactable for the next few days to I rig up my board. Boys' toys!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

28th May. Now it's 21st June. SO BLOODY LONG!!!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's coming. But it took so long. And after adding everything up and all that hidden charges, it's actually not much cheaper. And it's still gonna take about a week to arrive. Never gonna be here in time for the gig.

People still owe me money and I have no idea when I'm gonna get it back. In total it's almost a thousand dollars. Maybe I shouldn't be so sympathic anymore and lend money to my friends. Friends. If they really are, I wouldn't be waiting for so long for my money to be returned. I'm so broke now. Haven't paid my phone bills for teh past 2 months and I still owe dad for credit card bills. Credit cards are evil. 2 1/2 more weeks till pay day. And even then there won't be anything left after paying of my debts.

It's the 14th. 14th more days to pay day. 8 more days to an unconfirmed help out for a friend to do sound man gig. 7 more days to my debut solo gig and not enough material. 4 more days to Literati and I don't know what's gonna happen there. 3 more days to The Subway Stars gig at Rock D'Fort and I'm afraid of screwing up 'cos I can't remember the song names. Don't even know anything anymore. Don't even know if I'll ever be ready. I shall go out somewhere and hide but I can't. I should be at home doing a wash and working on my stuff.

Monday, June 12, 2006





Jun 9, 2006 8:28 AM


Compton, CA

7:22 AM

On FedEx vehicle for delivery


5:23 AM

At local FedEx facility


4:07 AM

Arrived at FedEx location


Then where the FUCK is my stuff!!!! It's teh 13th and no news yet!!!! What the hell is vPOST USA doing? Can't they just fucking make a call or send an email saying hey, this dude's stuff is here. M-Fers!

Angst aside. Check this out.

How To Eat Fried Worms

I used to read this book when I was a kid. Love it man.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

what the fuck man!!!! You have NO idea how many times my mac crashed before and how much information and work I've lost. I was all fucking NBCB!!!!!! Assignments gone. Ideas gone. Music gone. I still like macs but...this is toooo much.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

hello all. I'm in the car now half drunk waitingf or the booze to subside befoe I can drive home and dump my stuff and sleep a nd go for morrw's jam. as u can see from my typing i"m not bluffing, ut
s 4am in teh morning and luckily there's bandwidth i can steal so i dun just stone out in the car. just done a gig at home club with no crowd;s energy to feed off. i think i did a pretty good job with the sound compared to the other ppl who came in. I guess teh owner;s quite happy and keeps giving free booze. we (me and the rest who staed) kept telling him that the booze was weak and he kept saying you wait and give us something strnger which wasn't really stringer but we just kept drinking. in the end end we still felt teh effect. everyone else took a cab or had a lift back and I'm the only one having to wait befor ei can drnve without trashing my omm's fren's car which I kena fined for not puttingc arpark coupon already cos I tot free parking after 5pm and I went thu erp witout putting cashcard. wat the fuck. yesterday we (samanta) had a gig at naynyang poly. ok except for the amazing super incredible masive fucking reverb that killeed teh sound that made the gigs smei shitty. lucky it was keith ding teh osund or it would have been worst. teh night before we were recroding at shaun ala mindfuckingboy's void deck tring to finish up a decent mix for teh demo CD to give out to ppl/ in the end. the gig at nanyang had power failure. delayed and we had to cut our se shortl. all the kids weng home already by the time we played. Home gig also not much ppl. so it was all wasted and we didn't give much free Cds away/ free le!. wat the hell.i'm standing in bass for subway stars cos john entered NS and we have a gig n the 17th and i haven't cathed all teh songs yet. i have tp finish the e newsletter of funstage by sunday or latest monyda so i can get it out by wednesday. i'm their 1st guest editor for igt. ve honored and i want it out bewfore literati kicks off. so hapy got one person called to enqure about it. one tota stranger makes up more than a bucnh of friends. it meqns that we're reaching ot to ppl. that's wat we want. i can't be bothered to keep hitting the backspace button to chnage my spelling mistakes. moday sme rp STUDENTS ARE COCOMH over to leqarn abit abut therterre i dunno wat to teqach them about sound. mot prib what ever i tell them would ebe too uch for their little heads to abosrd. to me it ,ay be the basics of norm but to them. i must rememebr that i migt bring my laptop to "show off: abit. i'm starting to dig the laptop shit.screw bands man. go solo like wt marc and shaun says. but playjng with bads is differnet. i might jst incorporate it in. i so need to get a decent audio interace and controllers so ic an do more. weh n is my fucking pedals coming in? so long already. paid laready and i owe my dad liek almost 2 to 3 fucking thousand dollars. sue ann was the nly one who came down in teh end for the gig. everyone else. wat get free nrty for the.s queeze so many in the end not even one came down. fucked up. what's wrong with ppl nowadays man. i think it'll take another 20-30 mins more befire i can drive. it's too dangerous to drive ow. i'm not stupid. drnk already still go drinve. only stupid mutherfuckers wld do that. hope i get sober before the battery runs out. i bootlegged the gig. anyone who wants a copy contact e. anyone who wants free samanta demo CD THAT'S TTLE IMITED PRODUCED BLOOOD SWWEAT AND TEARS DEMO CD CAN ALSO CONTACT ME. IT'S MY FUCKING BLOOD WQTsweat and teqrs. i think i keep ghitting the caps by mistak. super rnt man uts keep going on and on and on i should finish y article instead by i can't be bothered. i haven't blogged in a while and sio hears something for yu. too lazy to uplaod pics. u should get an extranelal hard sijk and dump all my stiff in and clean up my comp. porn shold go too. hahaha..the good thing about pcs is that up can play games. surf porn do you work AND do sound stuff macs...pgffft.t.fuck off man. i'm switching back tp PC user. macs can wait till i'm rich enough to show off. mybe for video editing but the. for now. fuck off macs. no pritaed shits. piracy rules man. keeps ppl n their toes'. hink the alcohol has subsdes/d now waitkng for the fraking headache to go off. fuck man. shouldn't have drove. \but was late and i had alot of things to carry and colect. i should totally clean my room.wat the hell. i so wanna move out but so broke. rant rant rant. can't fucking download my email. i'lll just sit for ahwile. sdlkhs ;dfsd

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sunday. Past midnight. Still waiting.....