I think I have decided. I will not mind fuck myself anymore. Instead, I shall stuff my noodle with as much shit as possible. I will keep feeding and keep pushing and keep going till I am numb, I will not be dumb. I will go to the extreme. I will...damn it. there's this baby cockroach runninga orund in my room and I missed it...TWICE! Fudge. So anyway..where was I? Oh yah, I will push myself to the limit and if I drop, so there. but knowing me...I'll be too stubborn to and I'll just keep pushing and pushing myself till I can't go any furthur, then I'll just pick myself up and keep going again and again. Yup. I'll do that. Oh...look at the time, I'm not even close to sleeping yet, and I have to be at school at 10am for some orientation thingy, AND I've got Beez-throw from 3-12. I almost took Nana's sat 4-12 but I decided against it cos...I think, I think...well....now come to think of it, I should have taken it. talking about Beez-throw. I have to blow my head up abit and self-boost my ego abit but now that Chew isn't working anymore, I'm the fastest gun in the restaurant. Yea!
Since I'm on the "let's write alot" run, I'm gonna go on somemore. Mr. Gay guy with a huge gross butt crack who semi hit on me came in again today and same thing, ordered 2 prawn spaggetti. i didn't have time to talk to him but before that, 2 other gay dudes came and I opened wine for them I had a screwed up wine opener and cork bit fell into teh wine and out into the wine glass when I served them. i was so embarressed that i gave them a 10% discount. When they asked for the bill, I told them what I did and the guy when "Oh, you didn't need to" He when on saying that it happens to him a lot and it's mainly due to a lousy bottle opener (Here Hills, you can have it back). Oh! And he said he cuts himself a lot too. I'm thinking..man, you suck. I only cut myself once due to carelessness and cork bits never fell into the bottle, cept that one time, and I dun even drink wine. Anyway, this cut himself with the wine opener gay guy is definetly cuter than Mr. gross butt crack semi-hit on me gay dude, AND nicer. Oh well. yea, think what you want but I dun discriminate sexual preferences.
Han was teaching Slyvester how to do closing and it held us all back. I couldn't steal a cake to eat, nor enjoy the wrong order prawn spaggetti that we (Elfie and Gladys) had to wolf down real quick incase Slyvester came back with Han or the extra left over stew that Andy gave us. Couldn't even enjoy a smoke after work. Damn! I gotta quit buying ciggies. Ever since finding out that the stain on my teeth was caused my drinking too my teh-terik instead of smoking, I just keep buying when I'm out. I've gotten into the, hey...when I'm not spending and trying to save and when I'm spending a little and trying to save, the outcomes still the same, so I'm becoming a little more spendthrift now.
I guess that's enough yapping. I really should try to get some sleep but I can't. Phew.....